"Helping you ask the right questions."™

Dates:          January 21-22, 2025
Time:            7-11 AM US Central (Slot 1) OR

                    12-4 PM US Central (Slot 2)
Where:         At your computer
Cost:            $495 per participant until 30 days prior to webinar; $595 thereafter.

                    Volume discounts available for 10 or more participants.

                    No refunds or credits for cancellations within 30 days of webinar

Includes:      PDF course materials

                    Pre/post assessment

                    Certificate of Completion

                    Customized exercises based on customer products and processes

                    On-going email and telephone support from ITR available
Recommended Prerequisites: Familiarity with Microsoft Excel
For payment inquiries contact Jill Bauer at jill.bauer@itr-sa.com.

Required and Recommended Preparation:

  • Participants will be emailed pdfs of participant materials or will be directed to a download site; participants are responsible for printing and binding course materials. Pens, pencils, and highlighters are also required.
  • For courses in this series participants are encouraged to have a computer loaded with Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher and  Minitab 19 or higher; a trial version of Minitab is available at http://www.minitab.com/en-us/products/minitab/ . Completion of Minitab Quality Trainer and/or experience with Minitab is highly recommended.
  • A dual monitor or dual device configuration is highly recommended to allow for real-time practice.
PFD to PFMEA to Control Plan Linkage

PFD, PFMEA, PCP Webinar (aligned with RM13004) 2-day Webinar

Exercises, projects, presentations, and case studies based on your products, processes, and data!

This 2-day, 4-hours per day workshop will provide you with fundamental knowledge and hands-on practice with the RM13004 requirements for aviation and aerospace manufacturers and suppliers regarding the expected content, execution, strategies, methodologies, and linkage of Process Flow Diagrams, Process FMEAs, and Process Control Plans.  This program has been specially designed for product, manufacturing, quality, and supplier personnel within the aviation industry extended enterprise, including a special focus on developing supplier understanding and capabilities.

AS13100 and RM13004 require that PFDs, PFMEAs, and Control Plans be developed and maintained in an integrated fashion.  Training that focuses only on one of these subjects at a time cannot show how these tools work together to focus on critical product and process characteristics, minimize effort, maximize effectiveness, improve quality, and complete programs more quickly with less headaches before, during, and after launch.  Participants apply these key tools together during the workshop on their own products and processes.

Here are some of the things that you’ll learn:

  • The purpose and focus of these tools for aerospace products, processes, and suppliers to achieve zero escapes and MRBs.
  • The relationship between engineering drawings and requirements and PFDs, FMEAs, and Control Plans.
  • How to ensure proper focus and scope during execution.
  • How to complete the documents in a timely fashion to achieve optimal results.
  • Step-by-step instructions for completing PFDs, PFMEAs, and Control Plans.
  • How to avoid some of the most common Process FMEA pitfalls.
  • How to customize severity and detection rankings to streamline the PFMEA process.
  • How to use process family document strategies to minimize wasted time and effort.

NOTE: This workshop will not focus on RM13006/2 or RM13003 related tools including MSA, GRR, SPC, and Capability Analysis, or RM13000 (8D) or RM13010 Human Factors which are covered in separate webinars.

- Tolerance Stack Up Analysis Training
- Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) Training
- Design for Manufacturing / Design for Assembly Training

- Design for Lean Six Sigma Training, Coaching, and Facilitation

- 8D Root Cause Analysis & Problem Solving, Measurement & Gaging​ Training

​- AS13100, AS/RM 1300013002, 13003, 13004, 13006, 13010, 13145 Training

- AIAG and VDA Core Tools Training including APQP, FMEA, PPAP, SPC, MSA



(915) 867-4500


​​Sanctioned Training Provider